Japanese serial killer, Tsutomu Miyazaki was also known as The Otaku Murderer or The Little Girl Murderer. He was known...
Ricky Kasso is famous for being an American self-acclaimed satanist, who started off life very well but ended up messing...
Joe Profaci was an Italian-American mafia leader who was well known for being the first member of the infamous Colombo...
The Australian-American serial killer Christopher Wilder abducted, tortured, raped, and murdered at least eight young women and girls between the...
Mickey Cohen is still renowned as one of the most dangerous gangsters to have worked the earth, yet, he was...
It is estimated that at least 2 percent of murders are committed by serial offenders. This means that slightly over...
Jennifer Alfonso was killed by her year-old husband, Derek Medina in their Miami home in August 2013 She died at...
The world has seen so many dreadful killers in its history, but not too many as crazy as Ahmad Suradji....
In the 1960s, it was suspected that Richard Gaikowski was the face behind the infamous Zodiac Killer, who murdered not...
Ronald Dominique toppled the crime scene in rural Louisiana after twenty years of little or no serial killings. The killer...